Thursday, October 30, 2008
Are the Costs of an Egg Donation Cycle Tax Deductible? YES!
Please consult with a tax advisor for more information on how to deduct your costs. Every little bit helps!
Join the 1st Annual International Infertility Haiku Competition

Infertility sucks. In terms of mental health, research shows it ranks up there with a cancer diagnosis. Identifying and expressing our emotions is just one of the ways we can cope. To encourage reflection, celebrate strength and tenacity, and maybe even laugh, My Fertility Plan announces the launch of the 1st Annual International Infertility Haiku Contest.
Why haiku? Anyone can do it. A haiku is a three line poem, made up of only 17 syllables. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables. That’s it.
Your haiku must relate in some way to your family-building journey and it must follow the haiku-syllable rules. There are 2 categories – Serious and Silly. Just make sure you label which category your poem falls in (even if you think it’s obvious). If your entry relates to medication, it will also be considered for the medication-related haiku award.
It is free to enter – and you can enter as many times as you want. Each haiku must be in a separate e-mail. Please include your name and email as well. The contest is open to international entrants, but the entry must include an English translation.
Awards and Sponsors
Special Award
Medication – Related Haiku
Village Pharmacy: $50 gift certificate
( and/or
Conceiving Concepts ( $50
Parents Via Egg Donation ( $25
Infertility Answers ( $15
1 Runner-up will receive his or her choice of autographed books: the forthcoming, “Budgeting for Infertility: Bringing Home Baby without Breaking the Bank” or “Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation.”
Clear Passage Therapies ( $50
Robert Terenzio, esq. ( $25
Pamela Madsen ( $15
1 Runner-up will receive his or her choice of autographed books: the forthcoming, “Budgeting for Infertility: Bringing Home Baby without Breaking the Bank” or “Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation.”
Tracy Morris, How to Make a Family (
Julie, blogger at
Vic Belonogoff, Conceiving Concepts (
Sharon LaMothe, Infertility Answers (
Belinda Wurn, PT Clear Passage (
Pamela Madsen, (
Evelina Weidman Sterling, PhD (
Entries will be accepted beginning Monday, October 28 through Monday, November 24th at noon, ET. To enter: go to and click on the Contact Us page. Enter your haiku and do not forget your e-mail address!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Egg Donation for Financial Gain or Altruism?
This story is from Good Morning American.
What do you think?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Save up to $2100 on BRAVELLE® and MENOPUR®
Here’s how it works:
Ask your doctor for a HEART Rx Initiative brochure. Brochures are also available at participating pharmacies.
Bring the brochure, plus your prescription for MENOPUR and/or BRAVELLE to a participating pharmacy. For a list of participating pharmacies, visit
Pay $10 for a one-year membership.
Start saving immediately – no waiting, no rebates
Full program details are available at
For more information, speak to your doctor or call 1-888-FERRING (337-7464).
Tears and Hope - Infertility Awareness Project
This video is a perfect educational tool for Donors who are considering egg donation. It will help them to understand what it feels like to walk in the shoes of the infertile. I also suggest that my clients who are prospective parents forward this video to their family and friends to help educate them on infertility.
How to Become an Egg Donor
Becoming an egg donor is a serious decision. Be informed before you start the process.
This is a good educational tool for prospective Donors. I like the fact that it's "cheeky" and fun. Keep in mind that this video is based on the assumption an egg donor is going directly through a clinic for their egg donation procedure vs. working with an agent. Heartfelt Egg Donation does not start the medical and psychological screening of Donors until they have been contracted with prospected parents. Our pay scale is also higher than most clinics and within ASRM's suggested compensation of $5,000 - $10,000 per donation.
IVF Treatment Coupon from Integramed - $500.00
Now we're offering a $500 savings coupon for a limited time only. Don't miss this opportunity. Call the Toll-Free number on the coupon to learn more.
Get the coupon now!
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You can also help others!
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-It's OK to email the coupon picture file to others, or post it to forums and websites.

Infertility Seminar - October 22, 2008
Space is limited, so RSVP to reserve your space today. RSVP to: 775/828-1200.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Beating Your Biological Clock - Egg Freezing
To learn more about Dr. Sherman J. Silber and the services at The Infertility Center of St. Louis visit:
Monday, October 6, 2008
Mark Your Calendar!
More information will follow regarding the details of the event.
A Recently Received Thank You
Dear Suzanne,
My husband and I want to thank you for all your hard work and support with the egg donor program. We would never have been able to achieve our pregnancy without your hard work and dedication.
We had almost given up hope of finding the right egg donor and egg donation agency. We had several false starts with some of the agencies in the LA area. We had thought that it would be better to work with an agency in the LA area. We were so wrong!!
You were always a phone call away (just like the other agencies). We truly felt that your were concerned about us, our future children and our donor. We were also very happy to receive the prompt travel expense reconciliation and check reimbursement. You lived up to all your promises and then some.
We would be happy to talk anonymously with any couple about your excellent services and our happy ending.
Kind regards,
Soon to be Parents in LA Area
Thursday, October 2, 2008
National Infertility Awareness Week
Join RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, as we celebrate the 19th Annual National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), October 19-25, 2008.
For more information about RESOLVE please visit:
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
PATIENT FACT SHEET: Gamete Donation: Deciding Whether to Tell
Emotionally Healthy Twins

Most parents try to treat their twins as individuals, but most unwittingly undermine their best intentions because they lack a practical set of guidelines for raising emotionally healthy multiples.
Joan A. Friedman, Ph.D.
Drawing on her unique experience as a twin, the mother of twins, and as a psychotherapist, Dr. Joan A. Friedman outlines the seven key concepts for helping twins develop into self-realized, unique individuals and offers parents specific strategies for each stage in their children’s growth.
From how to set up the nursery to handling playdates and extracurricular activities, from deciding on same or separate classroom education to encouraging grandparents and other family members to think beyond the pair to see individuals, Emotionally Healthy Twins will become the standard reference for parenting twins.
Dim Economy Drives Women to Donate Eggs for Profit -
check it out:
I have found there is an increase in propective Donor candidates. I believe it is a combination of the economy slump and the fact that more people are becoming aware of egg donation as an option of helping others while helping themselves.