Infertility sucks. In terms of mental health, research shows it ranks up there with a cancer diagnosis. Identifying and expressing our emotions is just one of the ways we can cope. To encourage reflection, celebrate strength and tenacity, and maybe even laugh, My Fertility Plan announces the launch of the 1st Annual International Infertility Haiku Contest.
Why haiku? Anyone can do it. A haiku is a three line poem, made up of only 17 syllables. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables. That’s it.
Your haiku must relate in some way to your family-building journey and it must follow the haiku-syllable rules. There are 2 categories – Serious and Silly. Just make sure you label which category your poem falls in (even if you think it’s obvious). If your entry relates to medication, it will also be considered for the medication-related haiku award.
It is free to enter – and you can enter as many times as you want. Each haiku must be in a separate e-mail. Please include your name and email as well. The contest is open to international entrants, but the entry must include an English translation.
Awards and Sponsors
Special Award
Medication – Related Haiku
Village Pharmacy: $50 gift certificate
(http:www.villagefertilitypharmacy.com and/or www.villagefertilityproducts.com.)
Conceiving Concepts (http://www.conceivingconcepts.com) $50
Parents Via Egg Donation (http://www.parentsviaeggdonation.org/) $25
Infertility Answers (http://www.infertilityanswers.org) $15
1 Runner-up will receive his or her choice of autographed books: the forthcoming, “Budgeting for Infertility: Bringing Home Baby without Breaking the Bank” or “Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation.”
Clear Passage Therapies (http://www.clearpassage.com/) $50
Robert Terenzio, esq. (http://reproductive-alternatives.com/) $25
Pamela Madsen (http://www.thefertilityadvocate.com/) $15
1 Runner-up will receive his or her choice of autographed books: the forthcoming, “Budgeting for Infertility: Bringing Home Baby without Breaking the Bank” or “Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation.”
Tracy Morris, How to Make a Family (http://howtomakeafamily.typepad.com/)
Julie, blogger at http://www.alittlepregnant.com
Vic Belonogoff, Conceiving Concepts (http://www.conceivingconcepts.com)
Sharon LaMothe, Infertility Answers (http://www.infertilityanswers.org/)
Belinda Wurn, PT Clear Passage (http://www.clearpassage.com/)
Pamela Madsen, (http://www.thefertilityadvocate.com/wpblog/)
Evelina Weidman Sterling, PhD (www.myfertilityplan.com)
Entries will be accepted beginning Monday, October 28 through Monday, November 24th at noon, ET. To enter: go to www.myfertilityplan.com and click on the Contact Us page. Enter your haiku and do not forget your e-mail address!
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