Thursday, April 29, 2010

NIAW Day 6 - Navigate the Costs of Family Building

Navigating the Cost of Family Building (as provided by RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association)

Infertility exacts an enormous toll on both the affected individuals and on society. Women and men in their most active and productive years are distracted by the physical, financial and emotional hardships of this disease. Infertility is more than a disease, it is a devastating life crisis which can greatly impact the health, relationships, job performance and social interactions. Added to the emotional and physical toll exacted by infertility is the financial burden carried by many seeking treatment.

RESOLVE aims to ease that burden by providing comprehensive information on insurance coverage for infertility and alternative options for making your infertility affordable. Resources
The Costs of Infertility Treatment
Setting and Reaching Financial Goals
Creating a Financial Plan
Infertility Financing Programs


 NIAW Homepage

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