When I received the book, I was immediately excited about it and its message. I decided I would interject "our" story when I read it to the girls. My first reading to the girls was such a success they wanted me to read it over and over again. An amazing thing happened during the second and third reading; they started asking questions. The most memorable was, "Mommy, were you sad when the doctor told you that you didn't have enough eggs to make a baby?". Heck, this brought tears to my eyes as I recalled what I felt at that moment and as I looked at their sweet beautiful inquiring faces. I replied, "Yes, I was very sad although we were so happy that we found a wonderful woman who gave us her eggs and it was one of the happiest days of our lives when we found out you were growing in my tummy"; I then proceeded to tell them about the rest of their birth story, which they already knew (growing in my tummy, being born, etc.). Honestly, the whole conversation just came naturally with the help of this book and I felt a huge sense of relief. I know their little minds are constantly churning. No doubt, someday, they will ask more complicated questions but for now the story of the bunnies has helped us get past that first hurdle and we did it beautifully! I highly suggest this book to any parent looking for a way to broach the subject of donor egg conception with their child.
Product Description/Author's Note:
A touching children's egg donor story about a happy couple of rabbits, Pally and Comet who have everything in life except a baby bunny, you accompany them in their longing for this child, the waiting and the moment the mother is informed she has no eggs to conceive. One day a good lady rabbit brings her a tiny itsy bitsy gift of life, which is the egg, the half, she needs to conceive. The rabbit s tummy then begins to grow and finally her baby bunny is born and the happiness of how this family is formed is shared. The book is very colourful and ideal for children even before they can read, because the pictures are so full of details it easily captures the child s attention. It is my intention that the book should be easy for parents to read to their child so that gradually, as the child grows they will begin to understand their origins, in an easy and amusing manner.
I might just buy this for myself, for when Husband and I have kids. It would be a neat way to share that I was a donor. Aren't the best books the ones that organically start conversations? Thanks for sharing!
I can't tell you how happy I am that you said that! I always wonder how donors will tell their children when the and if the time comes. Thank you for thinking about this.I bet the book will provide great talking points for you!
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