Monday, January 25, 2010

Egg Donor Spotlight - Binish 490665 (East Indian and Middle Eastern)

Heartfelt Egg Donation is proud to announce its Egg Donor Spotlight segment. We will bring this feature to you on a regular basis in order to draw attention to some of our very special exclusive Egg Donors.

We are delighted to introduce and highlight Binish 490665. Binish 490665 is a first time egg donor of East Indian and Middle Eastern (Syrian/Saudi Arabian) decent. She is 21 years old, married and attends college in pursuit of a degree in nursing. Her GPA is 3.42 and she tested 2150 on her SATs. She has received three gold and one silver Presidential Service Awards and was selected for Whose Who among American High Schools. She excels in English, Health Sciences, Foreign Language, and speaks Hindi, Urdu, Gujurati, and Spanish. She enjoys speech, debate, poetry, museums, yoga, pilates and aerobics. Physically, she stands 5'2" and is 115 lbs; her complexion is of medium tone. She is in excellent health and has an allergy to strawberries. Amazingly, multiple twin births run in her family and both identical and fraternal births have occurred. She has volunteered for the American Red Cross and Aga Khan Volunteer Corp. She is dedicated to her religion and taught Aga Khan Religious Education for 4 years. Binish has been described as "amazing". Her friends say she is a fiercely loyal friend and a very caring and charismatic person. Her mother says that when she is put in a room with children they flock to her.

Binish 490665 is available immediately and is willing to travel from New Mexico to help you. To learn more  and to see her detailed donor profile, please contact Suzanne Myers toll free at 866-223-0003.

1 comment:

Lollipop Moon said...

Egg Donation is a very impressive one which helps incapable parents in fulfilling a wish to have a baby....I appreciate.