Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year, New Hope and the Meyer Lemon Tree

I was sitting at my kitchen table this morning looking out the window at the cold gray skies thinking about my "to do" list for the day and my goals for the year. Just then, I looked over at the Meyer Lemon tree we brought in right around the first frost. The tree had lost most of its leaves at the time and I remember being upset that we might lose it. But then, I noticed the beautiful white blossoms that were opening and smelled so sweet with the scent of renewed life. I couldn't help but be reminded of the saying "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade". Many other analogies came to mind.

I know there are many women and men out there who are feeling very sad over a recent diagnosis with infertility, a failed IVF cycle, a miscarriage, news of a donor not passing medical screening or a failed donor cycle and many more other scenarios that leave them feeling an overwhelming sense of despair because their dream of having a child or building a family seems stalled or unreachable.  They don't know if their dream will ever come true.

I can remember the year my husband and I got the call from our Reproductive Endocrinologist telling us that my ovarian reserve was diminished and my husband's sperm motility was a little on the slow side. We were at my parents' house and had just celebrated Christmas. None of my family or friends knew anything about our struggles with trying to conceive or that we were seeing a specialist. I was devastated by this phone call. My fear was staring me in the face. Wasn't this the nightmare I had thought about when I was in my 20's; not being able to have children if I got married later in life? I was left numb after the call. Our Dr. suggested we come in and talk about options.  We did and we were quickly set on a different course for building our family.

I can't believe how different my life is now. I have three children. There were days when I thought I wouldn't have children. I know there are folks out there thinking the same thing I thought when I was at that cross road. The Meyer Lemon tree is a sweet reminder that life goes on, good comes from bad, dreams do come true yet they may come in blessings disguised.

I wish all those who are facing despair or uncertainty are able to find any little reminder of the miracle of life, to embrace change and to have hope and faith that better times are ahead and dreams do come true.

Happy New Year and blessings abound in 2010!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your positive insight.